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This page details how to contribute, as well as the best practices when contributing to the Worlio Wiki.


Worlio Wiki uses DokuWiki as its wiki software. As such, it is encouraged to familiarize yourself with its Formatting Syntax. We also use a few plugins that add extra functionality:


On pages about software, products, or services, it is highly requested they adorn an “Infobox” on the top-right of the page. The Infobox should contain small but relevant information about the topic of the page. This can be birth, death, release, platform support, developer, publisher, aliases, etc. It is recommended to look at existing Infoboxes on various pages to get an idea of what is relevant.

An example of an Infobox:

<WRAP right box 200>
{{ worlio.png?200 }}
<WRAP group>
<WRAP half column>**Operated By**</WRAP><WRAP half column>Worlio LLC</WRAP>
<WRAP group>
<WRAP half column>**Previous Names**</WRAP><WRAP half column>,</WRAP>
<WRAP group>
<WRAP half column>**Launched**</WRAP><WRAP half column>January 24th, 2020</WRAP>
<WRAP group>
<WRAP half column>**Website**</WRAP><WRAP half column>[[]]</WRAP>

Operated By

Worlio LLC

Previous Names,


January 24th, 2020

Infoboxes should always align right, and be placed right below the page title and above any text.


It's recommended to tag pages using the Tag Plugin. The tag syntax should be placed above the page title heading for accessibility. Tags should never contain namespaces, that is done automatically.

{{tag>3d_software virtual_world chat}}

Table of Contents

If the TOC is in the way, utilize the TocTweak Plugin to change its position.


<WRAP info>
=== Stub ===
This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it.


This article is a stub. You can help by expanding it.

<WRAP todo>
=== Work In Progress ===
This article is a work-in-progress.

Work In Progress

This article is a work-in-progress.

Good Practices

Work In Progress

This article is a work-in-progress.

Permalink contributing.1731370439.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/11/11 19:13 by wirlaburla
